The Matter-of-Fact Guide to Setting Self Goals in Business

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Is your life stuck in the same pattern—you work day in and day out, but don’t see any significant monetary returns?

Setting self goals in business is the key to breaking out of that rut, and exchanging mediocrity for success.

Those who set clear and actionable goals make ten times as much as those who don’t, according to a study by Harvard.

Don’t settle for schemes that promise large returns by doing nothing. They are filled with empty promises.

Instead, focus on inspirational, aspirational, and optimistic goals that lead to success through hard work and a passionate drive.

Setting self goals in business starts with setting SMART goals

If you don’t feel like you’re succeeding in your business—if you’re living paycheck to paycheck—it’s time to make a change.

A strong goal triggers new behavior, and new behaviors lead to new results.

A great place to start with goal setting is the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based).

SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based


Specific goals create a roadmap to success

To be specific, keep asking “what” and “how” questions. What do you want from your business? How will you achieve that goal? Ask until there are no more what and how questions left to ask. That is when you’ve reached a specific goal. 

This trail of questions will be your roadmap to achieving your ultimate goal.

An example of a general goal is: I want to make more money

An example of a specific goal is: I want to bring in $300 more a week through widening my network.


Measurable goals prove you are moving forward

Drivers in the Daytona 500 NASCAR race drive the same 2.5 miles 200 times before finishing. Your goals can easily feel like a NASCAR race—circling back to the same point, despite all your time and effort.

The drivers in the Daytona 500 aren’t only racing to see who can make it past the checkered flag first. They are also racing for the best time on each lap. These milestones keep them motivated during the long race.

Measurable goals also have milestones to measure your success in the race to your final goal.

If your business goal is to widen your network, set specific milestones along the way—5 new connections by the end of this month, 10 new connections by next month.


Attainable goals guarantee you have a chance at succeeding

Elon Musk launched his first rocket into space when he was 35 years old. For him, setting a new goal of landing humans on Mars by 2026 is perfectly attainable.

If you were to set the same goal, people would raise their eyebrows at you. Startup business goals will look very different from goals created by those who have been in an industry for decades.

While Instagram and Facebook paint desirable pictures of goals you might want, tell yourself to think realistically of goals you can achieve right now. Save the rocket launches and tropical second homes for later.

Some attainable goals include a healthy work-life balance, achieving more flexibility during your day, and generating enough secondary income to quit your 9 to 5 job.

“Five Rules of Goal Setting” Video by MindTools


Relevant goals are unique to your personal situation

Make yourself goals in business personal to your own lifestyle.

If you ask Google to list self goals in business, you will get a generic list of goals. The goal of a leader in business will be different from goals you might list working part-time from home.

Take time to create goals that are as unique as you are. If you feel a personal connection to your goals, you will be more apt to accomplish them.

A CUTCO sales representative working with Vector Marketing might choose “more time with family” or “finding purpose in work” as relevant goals specific to their part-time business.


Time-based goals provide specific deadlines

Over 20% of adults procrastinate. Procrastination stems from a fear of failure—or a fear of success. Setting a deadline gives you an incentive to work toward your goal.

To set deadlines, begin by categorizing your self goals in business by their importance.

When do you want to achieve the goal? 

Here are three types of business goals, categorized by their deadlines:

  • Immediate goals – What do you want to achieve right now? What will you start doing tomorrow?
  • Future goals – How do you want your business to change over the next year? Where do you want to be in five years?
  • Lifetime goals – What is the ultimate goal of your business? What is most important to achieve in your business?


5 self goals in business to start you on your path to success

Here are five popular business goal examples to jumpstart your imagination:

  1. Become a leader in your industry
  2. Take a risk to expand your current business
  3. Build confidence in yourself as a business owner
  4. Learn something new to expand your knowledge about your business
  5. Create healthy habits and work-life balance

This list of business goals is very broad. The goals are not meant to be copied word for word. Use them as starting points for creating your own SMART goals.

For example, ask HOW you will be a leader in your industry and WHAT you need to do to achieve that goal.

Make your goals actionable. How will you take a risk? Think of 3 to 5 risks you want to take over the next year. List the steps you will take, and how you will measure the success of each step. End with a deadline for accomplishing each goal.

Writing your goals into action

Do you have self goals in business in mind?


Don’t just let them simmer in your mind until the fire burns out.

You are 1.4 times more likely to succeed in your goals if they are written down.

Take that list of goals and hang it where you can see them every day to motivate yourself and keep yourself accountable.

Having this list of SMART goals will help you succeed in your business.

One way you can start succeeding today is through joining Vector Marketing for a chance to earn a passive income with flexible hours—all from the comfort of your own home.

Helen Brown
Helen began with Vector "just for the summer" in 1991. She was a top sales rep, branch manager, and district manager before she was promoted to campus recruiting manager in the Northeast. Six years ago she was promoted to academic outreach manager. She has a love for photography and travel.
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